Welcome to BlackBike

bbadmin 1 Percenters

What the hell is all this about you ask!? I am sure the title of the page projects a flash bomb image of what’s to come on this site, for people who know me at least anyways.. But for those who don’t know me I will say this – I have joked and talked shit about mountain biking pretty much since the invention of the full suspension mountain bike.. Actually, every mountain biker I have ever gotten along with is a class A shit talker..

I get out there and I love doing it. You could even say I have spent over 20 years putting most of my time into it but, every time I look at the sport as a whole and from a distance, I want to puke. Almost every aspect of it from an outside perspective is super lame. It’s only just recently that an article on a mainstream media site written by Mike Levy made me realize that it’s not them – it’s me.

What were those words strung together that made me think? I have heard them before – “99% of riders don’t do that kind of riding” – and I have heard it my whole life. I was once offended by such a comment. Only now do I realize that it was actually a compliment.

Ya I get it. 99% of the riders out there have children, jobs, responsibilities,.. all sorts of reasons to not ever get a chance to “level up” on a mountain bike. I mean, riders like Mike are apparently calling for professional racers and freeriders to hop on a trail bike so he can witness somebody riding a bike that he can relate to better, even though I’m sure nobody is making him choose a DH bike in particular…?

Forcing these guys to change up their style of riding because they are too inconceivably amazing is just fucken retarded.. Go breed your own kind of hero, dude.. Its right up there with all the contradicting articles. A story about how we are dumbing down too many trails and there is nothing challenging out there any more.. Next to a story about how we all need A 29er or a 650b race bike to virtually tame the roughest trail for you smoothing everything in sight?  So we don’t want our trails dumbed down but you want to see all the riding in future movies  dumbed down?  wha?

Anyways.. The real story here is that this site is here for the 1%ers. So, if you ride with no gloves, or don’t have a helmet, if you smoke weed, drink, curse, slash, think that product is shit, poach the local hiking trail, ride with ape hangers in bare fuckin’ feet for all I care.. Mainstream mountain bike is the most pretentious, queer shit going – you can keep it, industry.

The best part of being a 1%er – we are driven by imagining and doing what we once though was impossible on a bike.. Seeing rad shit that I can’t do makes me realize I’m a pussy and makes me push harder..

So ya ..For all the shredders out there.. Send me your content.. follow this page. If it’s next level, I’ll post that shit..

And if this page get no hits but (except) from my friends.. Go fuk yourself. I don’t give a shit. I love being the black sheep.. Less is more for me.. NEVER NOT KILLIN’ IT!!

Black is the only black.

Welcome to BlackBike.ca, Mother Fuckers.